Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings: Dispatches continued impact…

Following the September 5th broadcast of Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings on Channel 4 it has been the dominant story in the Sri Lankan media and social media has exploded with people overwhelmingly supporting our story and saying Government complicity within the attacks was was an open secret. It also featured prominently in the UK news and worldwide. Further impacts have been the following:

  • Former President Gotobaya Rajapaksa who is accused in the film of complicity in the murder of the editor Lasatha Wickerematunge and also of knowledge of the Easter Attacks as part of the conspiracy to bring his family back to power has posted his first public statement since being ousted from power in 2022 - he denies any involvement in the attacks calling the film a “tissue of lies”.

  • The Sri Lankan Parliament will debate the attacks and national security on the 21/22nd September.

  • A Special Parliamentary Committee has been appointed to investigate the allegations in the film.

  • The former Head of the Sri Lankan Army has called for an international investigation rather than a local one as well as multiple Sri Lankan MPs.

  • The Archbishop of Colombo – Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has called for an international investigation and says that the commission report that was done is incomplete.

  • The UNHCR’s Accountability Project for Sri Lanka has called for an international investigation into the attacks.

Watch the film here


TUNE IN! Watch The Hunt for Ukraine’s Stolen Children: Dispatches TONIGHT at 11pm on Channel 4


TUNE IN: Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings: Dispatches broadcast on Channel 4 5th September